Thrift and consciousness are undoubtedly important factors that are taken into account and shape each of the objects of residential, critical or public infrastructure, which the Ukraine’s Renovation League ONOVA undertakes.
Today is the day to highlight and remind of the importance of these latest developments in design and construction. After all, the International Day of Energy Saving was actually started in order to have the opportunity to appeal to humanity on a large scale and draw attention to the topic of depletion of the resources of the planet and each country in particular.
So what do we put in the concept of "Energy efficiency of a building"?
This is one of the critically important properties of the house. And it is characterized by the amount of energy needed to create proper living conditions or life activities of people in a particular apartment.
Energy efficiency of buildings can be ensured by:
1. increase of heat-technical indicators of enclosing structures of buildings;
2. establishment of means of accounting (including means of differential (hourly) accounting of electricity consumption) and regulation of consumption of energy resources;
3. introduction of automated systems for monitoring and management of engineering systems;
4. increasing the energy efficiency of the engineering systems of the building;
5. use of renewable and/or alternative energy sources;
6. application of storage electric heating systems during hours of minimum load of the electrical network.
Measures to increase the energy efficiency of educational facilities are developed based on the results of a special survey - an energy audit. But in addition to the global transformation of the country's energy system and the renewal of its infrastructure, it is worth analyzing the simplest and most elementary energy-saving measures that are now available to every consumer. By making certain efforts and turning conscious consumption into a daily habit, you can simultaneously help the planet and save your own financial resources.
Ukraine has abundant natural resources and important international water resources, and therefore its industrial activities and energy consumption have a significant impact on global climate change. However, unfortunately, both before the large-scale war and now, our country remains one of the most ecologically polluted. And its energy is used the least efficiently.
So right now is the time to act, change your own habits and effectively update Ukraine to make it better and certainly energy-saving and ecologically clean.