A new layer of data with the addresses of the "Invincibility Points", which are being deployed by order of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy in all regions of Ukraine, has appeared in the geographic information service ONOVA GIS HUB by ESRI.
Today, after the enemy has once again attacked Ukraine's infrastructure, this state project is urgently needed for the survival of many citizens who found themselves without heat and light.
By looking through the map with the addresses of the "Invincibility Points", everyone can find the nearest one with guaranteed electricity, heat, water and mobile communication.
The points are open around the clock, the service is free.
The interactive map also contains information about the nearest gas stations, pharmacies, and shops that will operate on generators.
The map is interactive and constantly updated.
The nearest point can be found on a special website nezlamnist.gov.ua.
A direct link to the site and data on the location of the state "Points of Unbreakability" is also on ONOVA GIS HUB by ESRI.