Using the geographic information service ONOVA GIS HUB, a mechanism for recording sports facilities and youth institutions damaged or destroyed during hostilities has been introduced.
The data layer "Ministry of Youth and Sports" on ONOVA GIS HUB contains information about the state of the object, the level of damage, the number of such objects in each region.
The project was implemented on the basis of a signed memorandum of cooperation between the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine and the initiator of Ukraine's Renovation League ONOVA - the public union "Ukrainian Foundation of Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving".
In addition, in order to effectively manage sports facilities, the Ministry of Youth and Sports has introduced an electronic register of sports facilities. This register is currently in test (trial) operation (https://sportsporudy.mms.gov.ua/).
The use of an innovative geo-information tool allows the Ministry of Youth and Sports to compare information from the Electronic Register of Sports Facilities with actually damaged or destroyed sports facilities, to comprehensively analyze the state of sports and youth infrastructure in all regions of the country and to develop a plan for the restoration and renovation of these facilities.
Comment of the Chairman of the Board of the PU "Ukrainian Fund of Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving" Yegor Stefanovych:
"Data on sports and youth infrastructure facilities, including damaged or destroyed ones, are already publicly available. And this is already the fifth data layer on ONOVA GIS HUB, access to which is open to the general public. In addition to this layer, interested citizens can also use the geographic information service to find the nearest Unbreakable Point; find out the addresses of humanitarian aid headquarters in Dnipropetrovska oblast; view the map of Ukrainian refugees in Europe. And this is just the beginning of our work. Every day more and more useful information for the public appears in ONOVA GIS HUB".
In addition to fixing the destruction with the help of geoinformation service, ONOVA League members together with the Ministry of Youth and Sports began preparations for the restoration of destroyed or damaged sports or youth facilities.
In accordance with the memorandum with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the current agreements with the balance holders, measures are being taken to renovate two sports and youth infrastructure facilities in Chernihiv.
These objects are: State Enterprise "Chernihiv Olympic Training and Sports Center" (view the project) and Municipal Institution "Chernihiv Regional Youth Center" of Chernihiv Regional Council (view the project). Both facilities suffered significant damage as a result of Russian aggression in March 2022.
These objects are already marked on the damage map of the ONOVA GIS HUB portal.
The team of Ukraine's Renovation League ONOVA discussed measures and sources of funding for the restoration and renovation of the Chernihiv stadium and youth center with potential partners in Berlin at the Upgrade Ukraine conference and at the exhibition of innovative construction methods BAUMA 2022 in Munich. As a result, active work is already underway to prepare technical reports and develop projects for the restoration and renovation of these facilities.
Our further plans are to continue cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports on the reconstruction of other destroyed sports and youth infrastructure facilities in the country, as well as their modernization taking into account the latest technologies and modern world standards.
We invite donors, investors, patrons, and all interested parties to join these and other projects of Ukraine's Renovation League!