Metaverse Україна
Public organization "Association "METVERSE-UA"
Ukraine is suffering from war and Russian aggression. We will win thanks to the support of the entire civilized world, including the Italian Republic. Despite the difficult times, Ukrainian politicians and scientists understand the inevitability of the introduction of Metaverse technologies in all spheres of human activity.
Today we have united for the development of meta-technologies in Ukraine with the aim of their widespread application in all social spheres for the post-war reconstruction of our country and formed a public organization "Association "METVERSE-UA".
The main goal
The main goal of the Association is the introduction of Metaverse technologies in scientific, technical and educational processes in Ukraine, the creation of an electronic decentralized non-state social space in Ukraine "METVERSE-UA" with a high level of confidence in the methods and technologies of the Metaverse for the revival and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.
The Association plans to develop such areas as: popularization of modern technologies and knowledge; educational and scientific activities aimed at the development and application of electronic identification of electronic objects and subjects, blockchain technologies, AI, AR/VR, ICO, ML, ID, avatars, as well as the creation of clusters of electronic continuing education, electronic healthcare and social services for territorial communities; development of business, trade, fashion, art, etc.
The Association also aims to promote the modernization of analog legislation and the creation of modern laws on the regulation of ownership of electronic assets and objects, intellectual property, electronic rights, the formation of electronic jurisdiction and electronic justice in the Metaverse.